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Science Department Achievements

Almanar Modern School participated in the Lebanese Science Competition “ Mobarat Al O’loum” by presenting 3 science projects:

1.     “3D Printer”: A prototype plastic printer that eases up the ability to print 3D printed object (plastic). This project was done by grade 10 students, Talal Almashtoub, Elissa Nweihed, and Sandra Salha. This project won a Gold Medal under the category of technology and robotics.

2.     “Animatronic Face”: Creating a model of a human face that is able to imitate real life gesture through visual emulation by transferring face details using a PC program. This project was done by grade 10 students, Hoda Hilal, Hiba Daniel, and Khaled Chocair. This project won the Silver Medal under the category of technology and robotics.

3.     “The Gooey Producer of oxygen”:  It is a device using the photosynthetic ability of algae to decrease CO2 gas in a certain room and increasing the level of oxygen. This project was done by grade 9 students Suzanne Almashtoub, and Hind Makarem. This project won a Gold Medal under the category of Science and Health.


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