Cycle Three: (Grades: 7-9)

  • Language Arts ( Arabic & English)


Our curriculum provides a comprehensive language arts set that gives the students a strong foundation in their pursuit of education. The strategies used in Cycle 3 are designed to challenge our students. They work through interesting reading selections such as: short stories, poems, dramas, essays, magazine articles, newspaper stories, textbooks and internet resources, ads, and maps. Moreover, a variety of tools as well as engaging activities are used to help them become active, open-minded, and powerful readers and thinkers. In addition to that, our students deal with a wealth of engaging listening, speaking, reading, grammar, and writing activities. Valuable self- assessment tests (The Self- Tests) build the students’ confidence and encourage them to be independent learners and enhance their competencies in meeting standardized tests objectives.


  • Sciences (Physical Science, Earth Science)


The science program in cycle 3 tends to establish strong ties among technology, society, and students. The program deals with a global perspective about health and environment. It allows them to acquire a package of scientific knowledge which corresponds to fundamental notions emerging from biological, geological and physical concepts such as: behavior, nutrition and metabolism, biological renewal, reproduction and genetics, interdependence of living things, dynamics of the earth, matter and energy, forces and motion, and sounds and lights.

Also, the program implements the objectives of STEM education, an educational approach where academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons. Furthermore, it prepares students for the twenty first century by teaching them the main skills: critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration. Our students have the access to the scientific website” Think Central “which gives them the privilege to practice e- learning and virtual labs.


  • Social Studies


The implementation of the social studies program allows students to access and extend prior knowledge to promote understanding of our nation as well as the Arab world through thematic approach covering the following issues: History and Economy of Lebanon, Economic Integration in the Arab World, War World I&II Impact on Lebanon, Environmental Problems, and types of geographic maps. Moreover, principles of citizenship are taught through real-life models and engaging activities such as projects and presentations.


  • Second Foreign Language – French


Studying French at AMS is a fulfilling experience not only to learn the language skills, oral and written communication skills, but also to discover the cultural differences and similarities of Europe. Topics covered include villages, cities, means of transportation, nature, family, manners, and greetings . French is taught by committed teachers who bring the language alive and share their passion for the subject.