Continuous Professional Development

Learning Centers Workshop

Mrs. Samar Al Banna, an elementary science teacher, presented a workshop entitled “Learning Center” on Wednesday, April, 10, 2013. Teachers were involved in different learning activities in four groups. Each group moved from one station to another to complete a booklet “All about Cells”. They had to complete four activities in four learning styles: “Visual station”, “Auditory station”, “Linguistic station”, and “Kinesthetic station”. This significant teaching strategy has been applied in grade four to meet the diverse learning styles of the students.

Believing in the essence of school self-evaluation and the need to have an accurate picture of the quality of teaching and learning in AMS, continuous professional development has been established. Leaders, coordinators, and teachers meet weekly on Wednesdays for one or two hours to present workshops aimed at improving teachers’ performance and raising standards of student’s achievement.

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