Environmental Education

Composting and Studying Soil

To move one step towards 3 Rs, Grade 7 students have researched with their science teacher, Mrs. Hilda Albanna the dos and don’ts of composting in order to get rid of the organic wastes sorted in school bins. Composting at school was hindered by the quality of organic wastes sorted. Composting needs alternating layers of soil with greens and browns which are not found in school bins. So, they had to bring the required organic wastes from home.

Composting was not accomplished at AMS, but Grade 7 students are ready to work  better on  garbage sorting before they accomplish composting next year.

Having a rich, green natural field around the school enhances students’ learning, interests, and attitude towards their local environment. Therefore, new teaching methods like inquiry, experiments, projects, and discovery are implemented in order to develop students’ cognitive, physical, emotional, and social skills needed to learn about the environment, in the environment, and for the environment. The school vision is to be a green eco friendly school in three major domains: curriculum, management of resources, and management of school grounds.

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